ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас Г.К. Мітчелл, М. Малкоґіанні (2020) |
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Page 83 ex. 1 Listen and point. Then sing. \ Слухайте і вказуйте. Тоді заспівайте.
at home - вдома, shopping centre - торговий центр, bookshop - книжковий магазин, fast food restaurant - ресторан швидкого харчування, in the morning - вранці, in the afternoon - вдень, in the evening - ввечері.
Where were you? - Де ви були?
Where were you yesterday? - Де ти був вчора?
We were out, we were out - Ми вийшли, ми вийшли
We were out, out all day. - Нас небуло дома, цілий день.
Where were you in the morning? - Де ти був вранці?
Was at the shopping centre, - був у торговому центрі.
At the shopping centre - в торговому центрі
I was at the shopping centre - Я був у торговому центрі
yesterday morning. - вчора вранці.
Where were you in the afternoon? - Де ви були вдень?
I was at the theatre, at the theatre - Я був у театрі, у театрі
I was at the theatre with June. - Я був у театрі з Джун.
Where were you in the evening? - Де ти був увечері?
We were at home, we were at home - Ми були вдома, ми були вдома
We were at home yesterday evening - Вчора ми були вдома.