ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас О.Д. Карпюк, К.Т. Карпюк (2022) |
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10. Write the questions to the answers.
1. Will Bill have lunch with Kate today?
- No, he won’t. Bill won’t have lunch with Kate today.
2. Is Vicky going to watch a parade tomorrow?
- Yes, she is. Vicky is going to watch a parade tomorrow.
3. Are Fred and Pete going to study tonight?
- No, they aren’t. Fred and Pete are not going to study tonight.
4. Will you go to the party?
- Yes, we will. We will go to the party next Saturday.
5. Will you play football with me?
- No, I won’t. I won’t play football with you.
6. Is Jake going to see Mia?
- Yes, he is. Jake is going to see Mia at 5 pm.