ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас Д. Коста, М. Вільямс (2023) |
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Exercise 2. Write five sentences about Julia and Nina using the words in Exercise 1. In pairs, read your sentences. Say Right, Wrong or We don’t know! to your partner’s sentences. / Складіть п’ять речень про Юлю та Ніну, використовуючи слова вправи 1. Об’єднавшись у пари, прочитайте свої речення. Скажіть Правильно, Неправильно або Ми не знаємо! до речень вашого партнера.
Julia and Nina earned lots of money. → Wrong
Julia’s boss was friendly. → We don’t know!
Nina wants to be a cook. → Right
Julia was upset about working in the office. → Right
Nina's working hours were from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. → Right
Julia served food and drinks in the cafe. → Wrong
Nina learned a lot about the TV business. → Wrong