ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас Г. К. Мітчелл, М. Малкоґіанні (2023)

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Exercise 7. Talk in pairs. Look at the picture, find the things in the box and say where they are. Use the prepositions of place on, in or under. / Поговорити в парах. Подивіться на малюнок, знайдіть речі в коробці та скажіть, де вони. Використовуйте прийменники місця на, в або під.

Where are the books? → They're on the shelf.

Where is the skateboard? → It's under the bed.

Where are the CDs? → They're on the shelf.

Where are the pens? → They're on the desk.

Where are the pencils? → They're in the cup.

Where is the ball? → It's in the wardrobe.