ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас Г. К. Мітчелл, М. Малкоґіанні (2023) |
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Назад до p.35 ex.3 | p.35 ex.4 | Вперед до p.36 ex.1 |
Exercise 4. A. ROLE PLAY Imagine that there was a car accident in your neighbourhood yesterday. Talk in groups of four. B. Write a short paragraph about the accident. / A. РОЛЬОВА ГРА Уявіть, що вчора у вашому районі сталася автомобільна аварія. Поговоріть у групах по чотири людини. B. Напишіть короткий абзац про аварію.
A. Student A (Police Officer): What time did the accident happen yesterday?
Student B (Eyewitness): The accident happened at around 4 PM.
Student A: Where were you?
Student C (Eyewitness): I was walking home from school.
Student A: What were you doing?
Student D (Eyewitness): I was playing in the park nearby.
Student A: What exactly did you see?
Student B: I saw two cars colliding at the intersection.
Student A: Did you call for an ambulance?
Student C: Yes, I called for an ambulance right away.
B. The accident happened yesterday around 4 PM. I was walking home from school, and my friend was playing in the park nearby. Suddenly, we saw two cars colliding at the intersection. It was a scary moment, and we immediately called for an ambulance to help the people involved in the accident. / Аварія сталася вчора близько 16 години. Я йшов зі школи додому, а мій друг грався в парку неподалік. Раптом ми побачили, що на перехресті зіткнулися дві машини. Це був страшний момент, і ми негайно викликали швидку допомогу постраждалим у ДТП.