ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас О.Д. Карпюк (2024)

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p.10 ex.3 Look through the list of clubs below and say: a) what skills or interests you need to join each club / Переглянь список клубів нижче та скажи: a) які навички чи інтереси тобі потрібні, щоб приєднатися до кожного клубу


b) which clubs the kids in task 2 should join / б) до яких гуртків мають приєднатися діти у завданні 2

I think that you need to be active to join Drama Club. That’s why I believe that a drama queen should join it.

I think you need to love singing to join School choir. That’s why I believe that a music addict should join it.

I think you need to be active to join Sports club. That’s why I believe that a dynamo should join it.

I think you need to be active and love sport to join School Football Team. That’s why I believe that a dynamo should join it.

I think you need to be educated to join Science Club. That’s why I believe that a science geek should join it.

I think you need to be educated and clever to join Computer Club. That’s why I believe that a computer geek should join it.

I think you need to love singing to join Music club. That’s why I believe that a music addict should join it.

I think you need to be active and talk a lot to join Schools Blog Team. That’s why I believe that a chatterbox should join it.

I think you need to be talkative to join Comics Club. That’s why I believe that a chatterbox should join it.

I think you need to love singing to join School Music Band. That’s why I believe that a music addict should join it.