ГДЗ Англійська мова 8 клас О.Д. Карпюк (2021) - 8-й рік навчання

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p. 57, ex. 6

a) Hans: I am so proud to have a devoted friend like Hugh the Miller. He never fails to visit me in summer or in autumn, and says noble things of friendship, so he knows what real friends are...

b) one of the neighbours: Strange their friendship is indeed! Poor little Hans toils in his garden all the year round, and his friend big Miller comes to see him only at harvest time, helping himself to Hans' fruit and flowers, but never gives to him anything in return. And when winter comes there's no sign of him, while poor little Hans suffers from hunger and cold...

c) Hugh, the Miller: I am a noble friend. I make a favour to little Hans when I come and tell him of real friendship. I teach him to share everything. And make him proud of himself. And when winter comes I am tactful enough not to bother him when he is in trouble...