ГДЗ Англійська мова 8 клас О.Д. Карпюк (2021) - 8-й рік навчання

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p. 205, ex. 4. a) Talk about Ukraine using the questions in task 1. / Розкажіть про Україну за запитаннями завдання 1.

Ukraine is situated in the Eastern Europe. The colours of Ukrainian flag from top to bottom are blue and yellow. The capital of Ukraine, its largest city, Kyiv is on the Dnieper river. The Dnieper is the longest river in Ukraine, dividing it into the left-bank Ukraine and the right-bank Ukraine. There are the Carpathian mountains in the west, and the Crimean mountains in the south of Ukraine. To the south Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

b) Make a similar quiz about Ukraine. / Складіть подібну вікторину про Україну.

Q. Ukraine is often referred to by which nickname?

  • The golden vale of Europe 
  • The basket case of Europe
  • The bread basket of Europe
  • The cabbage patch of Europe

Q. Where is Ukraine situated?

  • In the northern part of Europe
  • in the southern part of Europe
  • in the south- eastern part of Europe
  • in the west

Q. What is the capital city of Ukraine?

  • Kiev
  • Toronto
  • New Delhi
  • Chile

Q. Where is Ukraine?

  • In Canada
  • In Europe
  • In Africa
  • In British Columbia

Q. What is the language spoken in the not  so mother land of Ukraine?

  • Russian
  • German
  • Ukrainian
  • French